Hyderabad|India|July'2009:Indian Institute of Public Health - Hyderabad (IIPH), the first institute established by the Public Health Foundation of India, organized their Diploma Awards Ceremony for the students of the first batch of Post Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics & Data Management. Mr. L.V Subrahmanyam, IAS, Principal Secretary to Government Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department, and Government of Andhra Pradesh was the Chief Guest for the ceremony. Prof. K Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India presented the key note at the occasion. All the 27 students of the batch were honored Diploma awards by Mr. L.V Subrahmanyam.
A year long Post Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics and Data Management was launched in August, 2008 at IIPH - Hyderabad . This course was designed to equip students with modern tools of data management and applied biostatistics, in order to qualitatively enhance the skills of practicing biostatisticians and epidemiologists in the areas of medical research and public health. The target audience for this course includes public and private sector organizations, academicians and researchers in public health, medical colleges, hospitals, contract and clinical research organizations and pharmaceutical agencies, those engaged in national public health programmes initiated by the Government of India and research institutions.
Commenting on the occasion, Mr. L.V Subrahmanyam, “The State government has decided to make master’s degree in public health compulsory for its medical officers aspiring to become Additional District Medical and Health Officers, District Medical and Health Officers and Directors of Health from 2011-12. The government will enable such officers to undergo the master’s course in public health from the Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH) here at its expense and then absorb them in the posts, Principal Secretary, Medical and Health”
K. Srinath Reddy, president, Public Health Foundation of India which had set up IIPH said the foundation was waiting for a master’s programme to take off at its institutes at Hyderabad , New Delhi and Gandhinagar.
The Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) is a public private partnership that has collaboratively evolved through consultations with multiple constituencies including Indian and international academia, state and central governments, multi & bi-lateral agencies and civil society groups. It is a response to redress the limited institutional capacity in India for strengthening training, research and policy development in the area of Public Health.
The Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH) at Hyderabad is established by PHFI under a public-private partnership with Government of Andhra Pradesh. Spread over 45 acres of land, the Institute is a fully residential campus is upcoming for students and faculty. Apart from strengthening the health services of Andhra Pradesh, the IIPH is aimed to build capacity in public health policy development, programme design, delivery and evaluation as well as develop health system management. National programs like National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) as well as state and regional level health initiatives would also be assisted by the IIPH.
hi, let us study how to generate different report formats in sas using different techniques and sas procedures..we will also learn how to customize the layout of the reports as per the requirement using the power of sas.. Discalimer-:This blog is for sharing the knowledge that i have gained .i do not calim the ownership of the original content that is included in the blog.SAS is a trademark of SAS ,usa.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
sas certification sample questions-part3
32. Which TITLE statement would display JANE'S DOG as the text of the
a. title "JANE"S DOG";
b. title 'JANE"S DOG';
c. title "JANE'S DOG";
d. title 'JANE' ' 'S DOG';
Correct answer: ccc
The title in a TITLE statement must be enclosed in a pair of matched
quotation marks. Unbalanced quotation marks can cause problems for SAS.
To hide an unmatched single quotation mark, surround the title text with
matched double quotation marks.You can learn about e the TITLE
statement in Creating List Reports e unbalanced quotation marks in Editing
and Debugging SAS Programs.
33. The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
input animal1 $
animal2 $ mlgrams1 mlgrams2;
hummingbird ostrich 54000.39
Which one of the following represents the values of each
variable in the output data set?
a. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1
hummingb ostrich 54000.39 90800000
b. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1 mlgrams2
hummingb ostrich 54000.39 90800000.87
c. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1 mlgrams2
hummingbird ostrich 54000.39 90800000
d. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1 mlgrams2
hummingbird ostrich 54000.39 90800000.87
Correct answer: bbb
The CARDS statement is an alias for the DATALINES statement. In the
INPUT statement, you must specify a dollar sign ($) after the variable name
in order to define a character variable. If you do not specify otherwise, the
default storage length for a variable is 8. In the example above, the
character value hummingbird is trSAS Guideated to hummingb.You can learn
about e the DATALINES statement in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw
Data e the INPUT statement in Reading Free-Format Data e the default
storage length for variables in Basic Concepts.
34. The SAS data sets Work.Employee and Work.Salary are shown below.
fname age
Bruce 30
Dan 40
fname salary
Bruce 25000
Bruce 35000
Dan 25000
The following merged SAS data set is generated:
Fname age totsal
Bruce 30 60000
Dan 40 25000
Which one of the following SAS programs created the merged data set? work.empdata; merge work.employee work.salary; by
fname; if first.fname then totsal=0; totsal+salary; if last.fname then
b. data work.empdata(drop=salary); merge work.employee
work.salary; by fname; if first.fname then totsal=0; totsal+salary; if
last.fname then output;run;
c. data work.empdata; merge work.employee
work.salary(drop=salary); by fname; if first.fname then total=0;
totsal+salary; if last.fname then output;run;
d. data work.empdata; merge work.employee work.salary; by
fname; if first.fname then total+salary;run;
Correct answer: bbb
The MERGE and BY statements allow you to match-merge two or more
SAS data sets. The BY statement creates two temporary variables,
First.Fname and Last.Fname for BY group processing. The SUM statement is
used to add salary for each BY group. The variable on the left side of the plus
sign is the variable that is retained and has an initial value of 0. The
expression on the right side of the plus sign is added to the variable on the
left side of the plus sign to create a grand total. The accumulating variable,
totsal, is reset back to 0 when you encounter a new BY group value
(First.Fname is true). To output just the totals for each BY group, use the
explicit OUTPUT statement when you reach the last occurrence of each
Fname value.You can learn about the MERGE statement, the BY statement
and match-merging in Combining SAS Data Sets.
35. The contents of the SAS data set Sasdata.Group are listed below.
name age
Janice 10
Henri 11
Michele 11
Susan 12
The following SAS program is submitted using the Sasdata.Group data set as
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';data group; set;
file 'file-specification'; put name $15. @5 age 2.;run;Which one of the
following describes the output created?
a. a raw data file only
b. a SAS data set named Group only
c. both a SAS data set named Group and a raw data file
d. The program fails execution due to errors.
Correct answer: ccc
The DATA step creates a temporary data set named Group and reads
data from the permanent SAS data set named Sasdata.Group into it. The
FILE statement creates a raw data file by writing out values for the variables
Name and Age to the file that is specified within the quotation marks.You can
learn about e temporary data sets in Basic Concepts e the FILE statement
in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data.
36. The SAS data set Employee_info is listed below.
employee bonus
2542 100.00
3612 133.15
2198 234.34
2198 111.12
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data=employee_info;
run;Which one of the following BY statements
completes the program and sorts the data in sequential order by descending
bonus values within ascending employee values?
a. by descending bonusemployee;
b. by employee bonus descending;
c. by employee descending bonus;
d. by descending employee bonus;
Correct answer: ccc
You use the keyword DESCENDING in a BY statement to specify that
data will be sorted by values in descending order. The DESCENDING keyword
applies to the variable that is listed immediately after it. To sort on values of
bonus within sorted values of employee, you list employee first in the BY
statement.You can learn about the DESCENDING keyword and the BY
statement in Creating List Reports.
37. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.accounting;
length jobcode $ 12;
set work.department;run;
The Work.Department SAS data set contains a character variable named jobcode with a length of 5.
Which of the following is the length of the variable jobcode in the output data
a. 5
b. 8
c. 12
d. The value cannot be determined because the program fails to execute
due to syntax errors.
Correct answer: ccc
The LENGTH statement enables you to specify the length of a
character variable. Since the LENGTH statement appears before the SET
statement, SAS will set the length of jobcode to 12.You can learn about the
LENGTH statement in Creating and Managing Variables.
38.Assume the SAS data set Sasuser.Houses has four numeric
variables.The following SAS program is submitted:
proc means data=sasuser.houses mean;
The following report is produced:
style N Obs Variable Mean
CONDO 4 bedroomsbaths 2.75000002.1250000
RANCH 4 bedroomsbaths 2.25000002.0000000
SPLIT 3 bedroomsbaths 2.66666671.8333333
TWOSTORY 4 bedroomsbaths 3.00000001.8750000
Which of the following statement(s) create(s) this report?
a. class style;
b. var bedrooms baths;
c. class style;var bedrooms baths;
d. var style;class bedrooms baths;
Correct answer: ccc
The CLASS statement specifies the category variable(s) for group
processing. The VAR statement specifies the numeric variable(s) for which to
calculate statistics.You can learn about the CLASS statement and the VAR
statement in Producing Descriptive Statistics.
39. An HTML file contains a SAS report. Which ODS statement option is
used to specify the name of the HTML file? a. OUT=
b. FILE=
c. HTML=
Correct answer: bbb
The FILE= option identifies the file that contains the HTML output. The
FILE= option is an alias for the BODY= option in the ODS HTML
statement.You can learn about the FILE= option in the ODS HTML statement
in Producing HTML Output.
40. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
set sasuser.class;
array t{3} (5, 10, 15);
Which one of the following completes the ARRAY statement and creates data elements that are not included in the SAS data set Work.Test? a. _DROP_
b. _TEMP_
d. No extra text is needed.
Correct answer: ccc
_TEMPORARY_ is a keyword used in the ARRAY statement to create
temporary data elements. By default, the ARRAY statement creates new data
set variables or references existing variables for use by the array.You can
learn about the _TEMPORARY_ keyword and the ARRAY statement in
Processing Variables with Arrays.
41. A raw data file is listed below.1---+----10---+----20---+---
01/05/1989 Frank 11
12/25/1987 June 13
01/05/1991 Sally 9
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file as input:
infile 'file-specification';
input @1 date_of_birth mmddyy10.
@15 first_name $5.
@25 age 3;
proc print noobs;
Which one of the following is the result?
a. The program executes, but the age values are missing in the output.
b. The program executes, but the date values are missing in the output.
c. The program fails to execute because the age informat is coded
d. The program fails to execute because the date informat is coded
Correct answer: aaa
Values for the variable age are missing in the output because the
informat for age is coded incorrectly. Since age is standard numeric input, it
should use the w.d informat to specify a field width of 3 in the INPUT
statement.You can learn about the w.d informat in Reading Raw Data in
Fixed Fields.
42. Assume that SAS data sets Sasdata.Products and Sasdata.Sales both
contain the Prod_ID variable. Which of the following SAS DATA steps returns
only exceptions or non matches?
a. libname sasdata 'SAS-datalibrary';
data all; merge sasdata.products sasdata.sales; by prod_id;
if ins=1 or inp=1;run;
b. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';data all; merge
sasdata.products(in=inp) sasdata.sales(in=ins); by prod_id; if ins=1
and inp=1;run;
c. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';data all; merge
sasdata.products(in=inp) sasdata.sales(in=ins); by prod_id; if ins=0
and inp=0;run;
d. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';data all; merge
sasdata.products(in=inp) sasdata.sales(in=ins); by prod_id; if ins=0
or inp=0;run;
Correct answer: ddd
By default, DATA step match-merges combine all observations in all
input data sets. To include only unmatched observations from your output
data set, you can use the IN= data set option to create and name a
temporary variable that indicates whether the data set contributed to the
current observations. If the value of the IN= variable is 0, the data set did
not contribute to the current observation; if the value is 1, the data set did
contribute to the current observation. You can use a subsetting IF statement
to only include those observations that have a value of 0 for the IN= variable
of either the Sasdata.Products data set or the Sasdata.Sales data set. Since
an unmatched observation might come from either input data set, you do not
need to specify that the IN= variables for both Sasdata.Products and
Sasdata.Sales have values of 0.You can learn about the IN= data set option
in Combining SAS Data Sets.
43. The following SAS program is submitted:
libname sasdata 'SAS-datalibrary';
libname labdata 'SAS-data-library';
data labdata.dallas(drop=city dest equipment);
set sasdata.cities(keep=orig dest city price equipment);
if dest='BOS' then output;
else if dest='DFW' then output labdata.dallas;
Which variables are output to both data sets?
a. price and orig only
b. city and equipment only
c. city, price, and equipment only
d. city, price, orig, and equipment
Correct answer: aaa
In the program above, the KEEP= option specifies that 5 variables
(orig, dest, city, price, and equipment) are read from the input data set. All
of these variables are output to Labdata.Boston. In the Labdata.Dallas output
data set, the DROP= option specifies that city, dest, and equipment are
excluded from the data set so that only orig and price are included.You can
learn about the KEEP= option in Creating and Managing Variables.
44. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc contents data=sasuser._all_ nods;
Which one of the following is produced as output?
a. the list of all data set names in the Sasuser library only
b. the descriptor portion of the data set named Sasuser._All_
c. the descriptor portion of every data set in the Sasuser library only
d. the list of data set named in the Sasuser library plus the descriptor
portion of every data set in the Sasuser library.
Correct answer: aaa
You can use the CONTENTS procedure to create SAS output that
describes the contents of a library. _ALL_ requests a listing of all files in the
library, and NODS suppresses the printing of detailed information about each
file in the output.You can learn about the CONTENTS procedure in
Referencing Files and Setting Options.
45. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
length city$20;
Which one of the following is then length of the city2 variable?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 8
d. 20
Correct answer: ddd
The LENGTH statement specifies that the variable city has a length of
20 characters. The TRIM fSAS Guidetion in the assignment statement for
city2 removes trailing blanks from the value. However, the length of the city2
variable is set to 20 because city has a length of 20, and SAS pads the
trimmed value with extra blanks.You can learn about e the LENGTH
statement in Reading Free-Format Data e the TRIM fSAS Guidetion in
Transforming Data with SAS FSAS Guidetions.
46. A raw data record is listed below. 1---+----10---+----20---+---
$23,456 750
The following SAS program is submitted: data bonus; infile 'filespecification';
input salary $ 1-7 raise 9-11;here>run;Which one of the following statements completes the program and
adds the values of salary and raise to calculate the expected values of the
newsalary variable?
a. newsalary=salary + raise;
b. newsalary=put(salary,comma7.) + raise;
c. newsalary=input(salary,comma7.) + raise;
d. newsalary=put(salary,comma7.) + put(raise,3.);
Correct answer: ccc
You must convert the value of salary from character to numeric in
order to perform an arithmetic fSAS Guidetion on it. You use the INPUT fSAS
Guidetion to convert a character value to a numeric value.You can learn
about the INPUT fSAS Guidetion in Transforming Data with SAS FSAS
47. The following SAS program is submitted:
do i=1 to 6 by 2;
trip + i;
Which one of the following is the value of the
variable trip in the output data set?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 9
d. 10
Correct answer: ccc
The sum variable in a sum statement is automatically set to 0 before
the first observation is read from the data set. The sum variable in the
statement above is increased by the value of i on each iteration of the DO
loop; the value of i is set to 1 on the first iteration of the DO loop and
increases by 2 on each additional iteration until it is greater than 6.
Therefore, the value of Trip is equal to 0 + 1 + 3 + 5, which is 9.You can
learn about e the sum statement in Creating and Managing Variables e DO
loops in Generating Data with DO Loops.
48. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc report data=survey nowd;
column age choice1;
Define choice1/display;run;
Which one of the following DEFINE statements completes
the program and displays values of the variable Age in ascending order?
a. define age/sort;
b. define age/order;
c. define age/sort by age;
d. define age/order by age;
Correct answer: bbb
You use a DEFINE statement to describe how to order and use
variables in your report. To specify Age as an order variable, you use the
ORDER usage option in the DEFINE statement. An order variable orders the
detail rows in a report according to their formatted values. By default, the
order is ascending.You can learn about the DEFINE statement and order
variables in Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports.
49. Which one of the following statements is true when SAS encounters a
data error? a. The execution phase is stopped, and a system abend
b. A missing value is assigned to the appropriate variable, and execution
c. The execution phase is stopped, and a SAS data set is created with
zero observations.
d. A missing value is assigned to the appropriate variable, and execution
stops at that point.
Correct answer: bbb
Unlike syntax errors, invalid data errors do not cause SAS to stop
processing a program. SAS handles invalid data errors by assigning a missing
value to the appropriate variable and writing a message to the SAS log.You
can learn about how SAS handles invalid data errors in Creating SAS Data
Sets from Raw Data.
50. The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
input country $8.
date mmddyy10.;
Germany 12/31/2000France 01/32/2001;run;Which
one of the following is the value of the variable _ERROR_ when the variable
_N_ has a value of 2?
a. 0
b. 1
c. true
d. false
Correct answer: bbb
a. title "JANE"S DOG";
b. title 'JANE"S DOG';
c. title "JANE'S DOG";
d. title 'JANE' ' 'S DOG';
Correct answer: ccc
The title in a TITLE statement must be enclosed in a pair of matched
quotation marks. Unbalanced quotation marks can cause problems for SAS.
To hide an unmatched single quotation mark, surround the title text with
matched double quotation marks.You can learn about e the TITLE
statement in Creating List Reports e unbalanced quotation marks in Editing
and Debugging SAS Programs.
33. The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
input animal1 $
animal2 $ mlgrams1 mlgrams2;
hummingbird ostrich 54000.39
Which one of the following represents the values of each
variable in the output data set?
a. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1
hummingb ostrich 54000.39 90800000
b. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1 mlgrams2
hummingb ostrich 54000.39 90800000.87
c. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1 mlgrams2
hummingbird ostrich 54000.39 90800000
d. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1 mlgrams2
hummingbird ostrich 54000.39 90800000.87
Correct answer: bbb
The CARDS statement is an alias for the DATALINES statement. In the
INPUT statement, you must specify a dollar sign ($) after the variable name
in order to define a character variable. If you do not specify otherwise, the
default storage length for a variable is 8. In the example above, the
character value hummingbird is trSAS Guideated to hummingb.You can learn
about e the DATALINES statement in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw
Data e the INPUT statement in Reading Free-Format Data e the default
storage length for variables in Basic Concepts.
34. The SAS data sets Work.Employee and Work.Salary are shown below.
fname age
Bruce 30
Dan 40
fname salary
Bruce 25000
Bruce 35000
Dan 25000
The following merged SAS data set is generated:
Fname age totsal
Bruce 30 60000
Dan 40 25000
Which one of the following SAS programs created the merged data set? work.empdata; merge work.employee work.salary; by
fname; if first.fname then totsal=0; totsal+salary; if last.fname then
b. data work.empdata(drop=salary); merge work.employee
work.salary; by fname; if first.fname then totsal=0; totsal+salary; if
last.fname then output;run;
c. data work.empdata; merge work.employee
work.salary(drop=salary); by fname; if first.fname then total=0;
totsal+salary; if last.fname then output;run;
d. data work.empdata; merge work.employee work.salary; by
fname; if first.fname then total+salary;run;
Correct answer: bbb
The MERGE and BY statements allow you to match-merge two or more
SAS data sets. The BY statement creates two temporary variables,
First.Fname and Last.Fname for BY group processing. The SUM statement is
used to add salary for each BY group. The variable on the left side of the plus
sign is the variable that is retained and has an initial value of 0. The
expression on the right side of the plus sign is added to the variable on the
left side of the plus sign to create a grand total. The accumulating variable,
totsal, is reset back to 0 when you encounter a new BY group value
(First.Fname is true). To output just the totals for each BY group, use the
explicit OUTPUT statement when you reach the last occurrence of each
Fname value.You can learn about the MERGE statement, the BY statement
and match-merging in Combining SAS Data Sets.
35. The contents of the SAS data set Sasdata.Group are listed below.
name age
Janice 10
Henri 11
Michele 11
Susan 12
The following SAS program is submitted using the Sasdata.Group data set as
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';data group; set;
file 'file-specification'; put name $15. @5 age 2.;run;Which one of the
following describes the output created?
a. a raw data file only
b. a SAS data set named Group only
c. both a SAS data set named Group and a raw data file
d. The program fails execution due to errors.
Correct answer: ccc
The DATA step creates a temporary data set named Group and reads
data from the permanent SAS data set named Sasdata.Group into it. The
FILE statement creates a raw data file by writing out values for the variables
Name and Age to the file that is specified within the quotation marks.You can
learn about e temporary data sets in Basic Concepts e the FILE statement
in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data.
36. The SAS data set Employee_info is listed below.
employee bonus
2542 100.00
3612 133.15
2198 234.34
2198 111.12
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data=employee_info;
completes the program and sorts the data in sequential order by descending
bonus values within ascending employee values?
a. by descending bonusemployee;
b. by employee bonus descending;
c. by employee descending bonus;
d. by descending employee bonus;
Correct answer: ccc
You use the keyword DESCENDING in a BY statement to specify that
data will be sorted by values in descending order. The DESCENDING keyword
applies to the variable that is listed immediately after it. To sort on values of
bonus within sorted values of employee, you list employee first in the BY
statement.You can learn about the DESCENDING keyword and the BY
statement in Creating List Reports.
37. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.accounting;
length jobcode $ 12;
set work.department;run;
The Work.Department SAS data set contains a character variable named jobcode with a length of 5.
Which of the following is the length of the variable jobcode in the output data
a. 5
b. 8
c. 12
d. The value cannot be determined because the program fails to execute
due to syntax errors.
Correct answer: ccc
The LENGTH statement enables you to specify the length of a
character variable. Since the LENGTH statement appears before the SET
statement, SAS will set the length of jobcode to 12.You can learn about the
LENGTH statement in Creating and Managing Variables.
38.Assume the SAS data set Sasuser.Houses has four numeric
variables.The following SAS program is submitted:
proc means data=sasuser.houses mean;
The following report is produced:
style N Obs Variable Mean
CONDO 4 bedroomsbaths 2.75000002.1250000
RANCH 4 bedroomsbaths 2.25000002.0000000
SPLIT 3 bedroomsbaths 2.66666671.8333333
TWOSTORY 4 bedroomsbaths 3.00000001.8750000
Which of the following statement(s) create(s) this report?
a. class style;
b. var bedrooms baths;
c. class style;var bedrooms baths;
d. var style;class bedrooms baths;
Correct answer: ccc
The CLASS statement specifies the category variable(s) for group
processing. The VAR statement specifies the numeric variable(s) for which to
calculate statistics.You can learn about the CLASS statement and the VAR
statement in Producing Descriptive Statistics.
39. An HTML file contains a SAS report. Which ODS statement option is
used to specify the name of the HTML file? a. OUT=
b. FILE=
c. HTML=
Correct answer: bbb
The FILE= option identifies the file that contains the HTML output. The
FILE= option is an alias for the BODY= option in the ODS HTML
statement.You can learn about the FILE= option in the ODS HTML statement
in Producing HTML Output.
40. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
set sasuser.class;
array t{3}
Which one of the following completes the ARRAY statement and creates data elements that are not included in the SAS data set Work.Test? a. _DROP_
b. _TEMP_
d. No extra text is needed.
Correct answer: ccc
_TEMPORARY_ is a keyword used in the ARRAY statement to create
temporary data elements. By default, the ARRAY statement creates new data
set variables or references existing variables for use by the array.You can
learn about the _TEMPORARY_ keyword and the ARRAY statement in
Processing Variables with Arrays.
41. A raw data file is listed below.1---+----10---+----20---+---
01/05/1989 Frank 11
12/25/1987 June 13
01/05/1991 Sally 9
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file as input:
infile 'file-specification';
input @1 date_of_birth mmddyy10.
@15 first_name $5.
@25 age 3;
proc print noobs;
Which one of the following is the result?
a. The program executes, but the age values are missing in the output.
b. The program executes, but the date values are missing in the output.
c. The program fails to execute because the age informat is coded
d. The program fails to execute because the date informat is coded
Correct answer: aaa
Values for the variable age are missing in the output because the
informat for age is coded incorrectly. Since age is standard numeric input, it
should use the w.d informat to specify a field width of 3 in the INPUT
statement.You can learn about the w.d informat in Reading Raw Data in
Fixed Fields.
42. Assume that SAS data sets Sasdata.Products and Sasdata.Sales both
contain the Prod_ID variable. Which of the following SAS DATA steps returns
only exceptions or non matches?
a. libname sasdata 'SAS-datalibrary';
data all; merge sasdata.products sasdata.sales; by prod_id;
if ins=1 or inp=1;run;
b. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';data all; merge
sasdata.products(in=inp) sasdata.sales(in=ins); by prod_id; if ins=1
and inp=1;run;
c. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';data all; merge
sasdata.products(in=inp) sasdata.sales(in=ins); by prod_id; if ins=0
and inp=0;run;
d. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';data all; merge
sasdata.products(in=inp) sasdata.sales(in=ins); by prod_id; if ins=0
or inp=0;run;
Correct answer: ddd
By default, DATA step match-merges combine all observations in all
input data sets. To include only unmatched observations from your output
data set, you can use the IN= data set option to create and name a
temporary variable that indicates whether the data set contributed to the
current observations. If the value of the IN= variable is 0, the data set did
not contribute to the current observation; if the value is 1, the data set did
contribute to the current observation. You can use a subsetting IF statement
to only include those observations that have a value of 0 for the IN= variable
of either the Sasdata.Products data set or the Sasdata.Sales data set. Since
an unmatched observation might come from either input data set, you do not
need to specify that the IN= variables for both Sasdata.Products and
Sasdata.Sales have values of 0.You can learn about the IN= data set option
in Combining SAS Data Sets.
43. The following SAS program is submitted:
libname sasdata 'SAS-datalibrary';
libname labdata 'SAS-data-library';
data labdata.dallas(drop=city dest equipment);
set sasdata.cities(keep=orig dest city price equipment);
if dest='BOS' then output;
else if dest='DFW' then output labdata.dallas;
Which variables are output to both data sets?
a. price and orig only
b. city and equipment only
c. city, price, and equipment only
d. city, price, orig, and equipment
Correct answer: aaa
In the program above, the KEEP= option specifies that 5 variables
(orig, dest, city, price, and equipment) are read from the input data set. All
of these variables are output to Labdata.Boston. In the Labdata.Dallas output
data set, the DROP= option specifies that city, dest, and equipment are
excluded from the data set so that only orig and price are included.You can
learn about the KEEP= option in Creating and Managing Variables.
44. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc contents data=sasuser._all_ nods;
Which one of the following is produced as output?
a. the list of all data set names in the Sasuser library only
b. the descriptor portion of the data set named Sasuser._All_
c. the descriptor portion of every data set in the Sasuser library only
d. the list of data set named in the Sasuser library plus the descriptor
portion of every data set in the Sasuser library.
Correct answer: aaa
You can use the CONTENTS procedure to create SAS output that
describes the contents of a library. _ALL_ requests a listing of all files in the
library, and NODS suppresses the printing of detailed information about each
file in the output.You can learn about the CONTENTS procedure in
Referencing Files and Setting Options.
45. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
length city$20;
Which one of the following is then length of the city2 variable?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 8
d. 20
Correct answer: ddd
The LENGTH statement specifies that the variable city has a length of
20 characters. The TRIM fSAS Guidetion in the assignment statement for
city2 removes trailing blanks from the value. However, the length of the city2
variable is set to 20 because city has a length of 20, and SAS pads the
trimmed value with extra blanks.You can learn about e the LENGTH
statement in Reading Free-Format Data e the TRIM fSAS Guidetion in
Transforming Data with SAS FSAS Guidetions.
46. A raw data record is listed below. 1---+----10---+----20---+---
$23,456 750
The following SAS program is submitted: data bonus; infile 'filespecification';
input salary $ 1-7 raise 9-11;
adds the values of salary and raise to calculate the expected values of the
newsalary variable?
a. newsalary=salary + raise;
b. newsalary=put(salary,comma7.) + raise;
c. newsalary=input(salary,comma7.) + raise;
d. newsalary=put(salary,comma7.) + put(raise,3.);
Correct answer: ccc
You must convert the value of salary from character to numeric in
order to perform an arithmetic fSAS Guidetion on it. You use the INPUT fSAS
Guidetion to convert a character value to a numeric value.You can learn
about the INPUT fSAS Guidetion in Transforming Data with SAS FSAS
47. The following SAS program is submitted:
do i=1 to 6 by 2;
trip + i;
Which one of the following is the value of the
variable trip in the output data set?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 9
d. 10
Correct answer: ccc
The sum variable in a sum statement is automatically set to 0 before
the first observation is read from the data set. The sum variable in the
statement above is increased by the value of i on each iteration of the DO
loop; the value of i is set to 1 on the first iteration of the DO loop and
increases by 2 on each additional iteration until it is greater than 6.
Therefore, the value of Trip is equal to 0 + 1 + 3 + 5, which is 9.You can
learn about e the sum statement in Creating and Managing Variables e DO
loops in Generating Data with DO Loops.
48. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc report data=survey nowd;
column age choice1;
Define choice1/display;run;
Which one of the following DEFINE statements completes
the program and displays values of the variable Age in ascending order?
a. define age/sort;
b. define age/order;
c. define age/sort by age;
d. define age/order by age;
Correct answer: bbb
You use a DEFINE statement to describe how to order and use
variables in your report. To specify Age as an order variable, you use the
ORDER usage option in the DEFINE statement. An order variable orders the
detail rows in a report according to their formatted values. By default, the
order is ascending.You can learn about the DEFINE statement and order
variables in Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports.
49. Which one of the following statements is true when SAS encounters a
data error? a. The execution phase is stopped, and a system abend
b. A missing value is assigned to the appropriate variable, and execution
c. The execution phase is stopped, and a SAS data set is created with
zero observations.
d. A missing value is assigned to the appropriate variable, and execution
stops at that point.
Correct answer: bbb
Unlike syntax errors, invalid data errors do not cause SAS to stop
processing a program. SAS handles invalid data errors by assigning a missing
value to the appropriate variable and writing a message to the SAS log.You
can learn about how SAS handles invalid data errors in Creating SAS Data
Sets from Raw Data.
50. The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
input country $8.
date mmddyy10.;
Germany 12/31/2000France 01/32/2001;run;Which
one of the following is the value of the variable _ERROR_ when the variable
_N_ has a value of 2?
a. 0
b. 1
c. true
d. false
Correct answer: bbb
Monday, July 27, 2009
sas certification sample questions-part2
17. The following program is submitted:
data fltaten;
input jobcode $ salary name $;
FLAT1 70000 BobFLAT2 60000 JoeFLAT3 30000
data desc; set fltaten;
if salary>60000 then description='Over60';
else description='Under 60';
What is value of the variable named
description when the value for salary is 30000?
a. Under 6
b. Under 60
c. Over 60
d. ' ' (missing character value)
Correct answer: aaa
The variable description is being created by the IF-THEN/ELSE
statement during compilation. The first occurrence of the variable description
is on the IF statement, and since it is assigned the value Over 60, the length
of the variable is 7. Therefore, for the salary value of 30000, description has
the value of Under 6 (the 0 is trSAS Guideated.) You can learn about e the
compilation phase of the DATA step in Understanding DATA Step Processing e
IF-THEN/ELSE statements in Creating and Managing Variables.
18. A raw data file is listed below.1---+----10---+----20---+---
The following program is submitted:
data all_sales;
infile 'file-specification';
input receipts;
Which statement(s)
complete(s) the program and produce(s) a running total of the Receipts
variable? a.
b. total 0;sum total;
c. total=total+receipts;
d. total=sum(total,receipts);
Correct answer: aaa
The SUM fSAS Guidetion and the assignment statement do not retain
values across iterations of the DATA step. The sum statement total+receipts;
initializes total to 0, ignores missing values of receipt, retains the value of
total from one iteration to the next, and adds the value of receipts to
total.You can learn about the sum statement in Creating and Managing
19. A raw data file is listed below.1---+----10---+----20---+---
1901 2
1905 1
1910 6
1925 1
1941 1
The following SAS program is submitted and references the raw data file
data money;
infile 'file-specification';
input year quantity;
run;What is the value of total when the data step
finishes executing?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 11
d. . (missing numeric value)
Correct answer: ddd
The variable Total is assigned a missing value during the compilation
phase of the DATA step. When the first record is read in, SAS processes:
total=.+2; which results in a missing value. Therefore the variable Total
remains missing for all observations.You can learn about e the compilation
phase of the DATA step in Understanding DATA Step Processing e using
missing values with arithmetic operators in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw
20. The following program is submitted: data test;
average=mean(6,4,.,2);run;What is the value of average?
a. 0
b. 3
c. 4
d. . (missing numeric value)
Correct answer: ccc
The MEAN fSAS Guidetion adds all of the non-missing values and
divides by the number of non-missing values. In this case, 6 + 4 + 2 divided
by 3 is 4.You can learn about the MEAN fSAS Guidetion in Transforming Data
with SAS FSAS Guidetions.
21. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.AreaCodes;
Code='('!!substr(Phonenumber,1,3)!!')';run;Which one of the following is the
value of the variable Code in the output data set?
a. ( 3)
b. (312)
c. 3
d. 312
Correct answer: aaa
An automatic data conversion is performed whenever a numeric
variable is used where SAS expects a character value. The numeric variable
is written with the BEST12. format and the resulting character value is rightaligned
when the conversion occurs. In this example, the value of
Phonenumber is converted to character and right-aligned before the SUBSTR
fSAS Guidetion is performed. Since there are only 10 digits in the value of
Phonenumber, the right-aligned value begins with two blanks. Therefore the
SUBSTR fSAS Guidetion picks up two blanks and a 3, and uses the BEST12.
format to assign that value to Code. Then, the parentheses are concatenated
before and after the two blanks and a 3.You can learn about automatic data
conversion and the SUBSTR fSAS Guidetion in Transforming Data with SAS
FSAS Guidetions.
22. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.inventory;
do until (products gt 6); products+1;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable products in the output data set?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
Correct answer: ddd
A DO UNTIL loop always executes at least once because the condition
is not evaluated until the bottom of the loop. In the SAS program above, the
value of Products is incremented from 7 to 8 on the first iteration of the DO
UNTIL loop, before the condition is checked. Therefore the value of Products
is 8.You can learn about DO UNTIL loops in Generating Data with DO Loops.
23. The following program is submitted:
data work.test;
set work.staff(keep=salary1 salary2 salary3);
WhichARRAY statement completes the program and creates new variables?
a. array salary{3};
b. array new_salary{3};
c. array salary{3} salary1-salary3;
d. array new_salary{3} salary1-salary3;
Correct answer: bbb
Although each of the ARRAY statements listed above is a valid
statement, only Answer B creates new variables named new_salary1,
new_salary2 and new_salary3. Answer C and Answer D both create an array
that groups the existing data set variables salary1, salary2, and salary3.
Since the array in Answer A is named salary, it also uses the existing data
set variables.You can learn about creating new variables in an ARRAY
statement in Processing Variables with Arrays.
24. Which of the following permanently associates a format with a
a. the FORMAT procedure
b. a FORMAT statement in a DATA step
c. an INPUT fSAS Guidetion with format modifiers
d. an INPUT statement with formatted style input
Correct answer: bbb
To permanently associate a format with a variable, you use the
FORMAT statement in a DATA step. You can use the FORMAT procedure to
create a user-defined format. You use the INPUT fSAS Guidetion to convert
character data values to numeric values with an informat. You use the INPUT
statement to read data into a data set with an informat.You can learn about e
permanently assigning a format to a variable in Creating and Managing
Variables e the FORMAT statement in Creating List Reports e the FORMAT
procedure in Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats e the INPUT
fSAS Guidetion in Transforming Data with SAS FSAS Guidetions e the
INPUT statement in Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields.
25. The following report is generated: Styleof homes n
CONDO 4 $99,313
RANCH 4 $68,575
SPLIT 3 $77,983
TWOSTORY 4 $83,825
Which of the following steps created the report?
a. proc freq data=sasuser.houses; tables style price /nocum; format price dollar10.;
label style="Style of homes" price="Asking price";run;
b. proc print data=sasuser.houses; class style; var price; table
style,n price*mean*f=dollar10.; label style="Style of homes"
price="Asking price";run;
c. proc means data=sasuser.houses n mean; class style; var price;
format price dollar10.; label style="Style of homes" price="Asking
d. proc report data=sasuser.houses nowd headline; column style n
define style / group "Style of homes"; define price / mean
format=dollar8. "Asking price";run;
Correct answer: ddd
The FREQ procedure cannot create the average asking price. The
CLASS statement and the VAR statement are not valid for use with the PRINT
procedure. The MEANS procedure output would have both the N statistic and
the N Obs statistic since a CLASS statement is used. The REPORT procedure
produced the report.You can learn about e the FREQ procedure in
Producing Descriptive Statistics e the PRINT procedure in Creating List
Reports e the MEANS procedure in Producing Descriptive Statistics e the
REPORT procedure in Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports.
26. A SAS report currently flows over two pages because it is too long to
fit within the specified display dimension. Which one of the following actions
would change the display dimension so that the report fits on one page?
a.Increase the value of the LINENO option.
b. Decrease the value of the PAGENO option.
c. Decrease the value of the LINESIZE option.
d. Increase the value of the PAGESIZE option.
Correct answer: ddd
The PAGESIZE= SAS system option controls the number of lines that
compose a page of SAS procedure output. By increasing the number of lines
available per page, the report might fit on one page.You can learn about the
PAGESIZE= option in Referencing Files and Setting Options.
27. Which one of the following SAS REPORT procedure options controls
how column headings are displayed over multiple lines? a. SPACE=
Correct answer: bbb
The SPLIT= option specifies how to split column headings. The
SPACE=, LABEL= and BREAK= options are not valid options in PROC
REPORT.You can learn about the SPLIT= option for the REPORT procedure in
Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports.
28. The following SAS program is submitted:
ods html file='newfile.html';
proc print data=sasuser.houses;run;
proc means data=sasuser.houses;run;
proc freq;
ods html close;
proc print;run;
How many HTML files are created?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Correct answer: aaa
By default, one HTML file is created for each FILE= option or BODY=
option in the ODS HTML statement. The ODS HTML CLOSE statement closes
the open HTML file and ends the output capture. The Newfile.html file
contains the output from the PRINT, MEANS, and FREQ procedures.You can
learn about the ODS HTML statement in Producing HTML Output.
29. A frequency report of the variable Jobcode in the Work.Actors data set
is listed below.
Jobcode Frequency Percent CumulativeFrequency CumulativePercent
Actor I 2 33.33 2 33.33
Actor II 2 33.33 4 66.67
Actor III 2 33.33 6 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1 The following SAS program is submitted:
set work.actors;
if jobcode in ('Actor I', 'Actor II') then
if jobcode='Actor III' then joblevel='Base'; else
Which of the following represents the possiblevalues for the variable joblevel in the Work.Joblevels data set?
a. Base and Unknown only
b. Beginner and Base only
c. Beginner, Base, and Unknown
d. ' ' (missing character value)
Correct answer: aaa
The DATA step will continue to process those observations that satisfy
the condition in the first IF statement Although Joblevel might be set to
Beginner for one or more observations, the condition on the second IF
statement will evaluate as false, and the ELSE statement will execute and
overwrite the value of Joblevel as Unknown.You can learn about e the IF
statement in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data e the ELSE
statement in Creating and Managing Variables.
30. The descriptor and data portions of the Work.Salaries data set are
shown below.
Variable Type Len Pos
name Char 8 0
salary Char 8 16
status Char 8 8
name status salary
Liz S 15,600
Herman S 26,700
Marty S 35,000
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc print data=work.salaries;
where salary<20000;run;
What is displayed in the SAS log after the program
is executed?
a. A NOTE indicating that 1 observation is read.
b. A NOTE indicating that 0 observations were read.
c. A WARNING indicating that character values have been converted to
numeric values.
d. An ERROR indicating that the WHERE clause operator requires
compatible variables.
Correct answer: ddd
Your answer: undefinedundefinedundefined
Salary is defined as a character variable. Therefore, the value in the
WHERE statement must be the character value 20,000 enclosed in quotation
marks.You can learn about the WHERE statement in Creating List Reports.
31. Which of the following statements is true when SAS encounters a
syntax error in a DATA step?
a. The SAS log contains an explanation of the
b. The DATA step continues to execute and the resulting data set is
c. The DATA step stops executing at the point of the error and the
resulting data set contains observations up to that point.
d. A note appears in the SAS log indicating that the incorrect statement
was saved to a SAS data set for further examination.
Correct answer: aaa
SAS scans the DATA step for syntax errors during the compilation
phase. If there are syntax errors, those errors get written to the log. Most
syntax errors prevent further processing of the DATA step.
data fltaten;
input jobcode $ salary name $;
FLAT1 70000 BobFLAT2 60000 JoeFLAT3 30000
data desc; set fltaten;
if salary>60000 then description='Over60';
else description='Under 60';
What is value of the variable named
description when the value for salary is 30000?
a. Under 6
b. Under 60
c. Over 60
d. ' ' (missing character value)
Correct answer: aaa
The variable description is being created by the IF-THEN/ELSE
statement during compilation. The first occurrence of the variable description
is on the IF statement, and since it is assigned the value Over 60, the length
of the variable is 7. Therefore, for the salary value of 30000, description has
the value of Under 6 (the 0 is trSAS Guideated.) You can learn about e the
compilation phase of the DATA step in Understanding DATA Step Processing e
IF-THEN/ELSE statements in Creating and Managing Variables.
18. A raw data file is listed below.1---+----10---+----20---+---
The following program is submitted:
data all_sales;
infile 'file-specification';
input receipts;
Which statement(s)
complete(s) the program and produce(s) a running total of the Receipts
variable? a.
b. total 0;sum total;
c. total=total+receipts;
d. total=sum(total,receipts);
Correct answer: aaa
The SUM fSAS Guidetion and the assignment statement do not retain
values across iterations of the DATA step. The sum statement total+receipts;
initializes total to 0, ignores missing values of receipt, retains the value of
total from one iteration to the next, and adds the value of receipts to
total.You can learn about the sum statement in Creating and Managing
19. A raw data file is listed below.1---+----10---+----20---+---
1901 2
1905 1
1910 6
1925 1
1941 1
The following SAS program is submitted and references the raw data file
data money;
infile 'file-specification';
input year quantity;
run;What is the value of total when the data step
finishes executing?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 11
d. . (missing numeric value)
Correct answer: ddd
The variable Total is assigned a missing value during the compilation
phase of the DATA step. When the first record is read in, SAS processes:
total=.+2; which results in a missing value. Therefore the variable Total
remains missing for all observations.You can learn about e the compilation
phase of the DATA step in Understanding DATA Step Processing e using
missing values with arithmetic operators in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw
20. The following program is submitted: data test;
average=mean(6,4,.,2);run;What is the value of average?
a. 0
b. 3
c. 4
d. . (missing numeric value)
Correct answer: ccc
The MEAN fSAS Guidetion adds all of the non-missing values and
divides by the number of non-missing values. In this case, 6 + 4 + 2 divided
by 3 is 4.You can learn about the MEAN fSAS Guidetion in Transforming Data
with SAS FSAS Guidetions.
21. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.AreaCodes;
Code='('!!substr(Phonenumber,1,3)!!')';run;Which one of the following is the
value of the variable Code in the output data set?
a. ( 3)
b. (312)
c. 3
d. 312
Correct answer: aaa
An automatic data conversion is performed whenever a numeric
variable is used where SAS expects a character value. The numeric variable
is written with the BEST12. format and the resulting character value is rightaligned
when the conversion occurs. In this example, the value of
Phonenumber is converted to character and right-aligned before the SUBSTR
fSAS Guidetion is performed. Since there are only 10 digits in the value of
Phonenumber, the right-aligned value begins with two blanks. Therefore the
SUBSTR fSAS Guidetion picks up two blanks and a 3, and uses the BEST12.
format to assign that value to Code. Then, the parentheses are concatenated
before and after the two blanks and a 3.You can learn about automatic data
conversion and the SUBSTR fSAS Guidetion in Transforming Data with SAS
FSAS Guidetions.
22. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.inventory;
do until (products gt 6); products+1;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable products in the output data set?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
Correct answer: ddd
A DO UNTIL loop always executes at least once because the condition
is not evaluated until the bottom of the loop. In the SAS program above, the
value of Products is incremented from 7 to 8 on the first iteration of the DO
UNTIL loop, before the condition is checked. Therefore the value of Products
is 8.You can learn about DO UNTIL loops in Generating Data with DO Loops.
23. The following program is submitted:
data work.test;
set work.staff(keep=salary1 salary2 salary3);
WhichARRAY statement completes the program and creates new variables?
a. array salary{3};
b. array new_salary{3};
c. array salary{3} salary1-salary3;
d. array new_salary{3} salary1-salary3;
Correct answer: bbb
Although each of the ARRAY statements listed above is a valid
statement, only Answer B creates new variables named new_salary1,
new_salary2 and new_salary3. Answer C and Answer D both create an array
that groups the existing data set variables salary1, salary2, and salary3.
Since the array in Answer A is named salary, it also uses the existing data
set variables.You can learn about creating new variables in an ARRAY
statement in Processing Variables with Arrays.
24. Which of the following permanently associates a format with a
a. the FORMAT procedure
b. a FORMAT statement in a DATA step
c. an INPUT fSAS Guidetion with format modifiers
d. an INPUT statement with formatted style input
Correct answer: bbb
To permanently associate a format with a variable, you use the
FORMAT statement in a DATA step. You can use the FORMAT procedure to
create a user-defined format. You use the INPUT fSAS Guidetion to convert
character data values to numeric values with an informat. You use the INPUT
statement to read data into a data set with an informat.You can learn about e
permanently assigning a format to a variable in Creating and Managing
Variables e the FORMAT statement in Creating List Reports e the FORMAT
procedure in Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats e the INPUT
fSAS Guidetion in Transforming Data with SAS FSAS Guidetions e the
INPUT statement in Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields.
25. The following report is generated: Styleof homes n
CONDO 4 $99,313
RANCH 4 $68,575
SPLIT 3 $77,983
TWOSTORY 4 $83,825
Which of the following steps created the report?
a. proc freq data=sasuser.houses; tables style price /nocum; format price dollar10.;
label style="Style of homes" price="Asking price";run;
b. proc print data=sasuser.houses; class style; var price; table
style,n price*mean*f=dollar10.; label style="Style of homes"
price="Asking price";run;
c. proc means data=sasuser.houses n mean; class style; var price;
format price dollar10.; label style="Style of homes" price="Asking
d. proc report data=sasuser.houses nowd headline; column style n
define style / group "Style of homes"; define price / mean
format=dollar8. "Asking price";run;
Correct answer: ddd
The FREQ procedure cannot create the average asking price. The
CLASS statement and the VAR statement are not valid for use with the PRINT
procedure. The MEANS procedure output would have both the N statistic and
the N Obs statistic since a CLASS statement is used. The REPORT procedure
produced the report.You can learn about e the FREQ procedure in
Producing Descriptive Statistics e the PRINT procedure in Creating List
Reports e the MEANS procedure in Producing Descriptive Statistics e the
REPORT procedure in Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports.
26. A SAS report currently flows over two pages because it is too long to
fit within the specified display dimension. Which one of the following actions
would change the display dimension so that the report fits on one page?
a.Increase the value of the LINENO option.
b. Decrease the value of the PAGENO option.
c. Decrease the value of the LINESIZE option.
d. Increase the value of the PAGESIZE option.
Correct answer: ddd
The PAGESIZE= SAS system option controls the number of lines that
compose a page of SAS procedure output. By increasing the number of lines
available per page, the report might fit on one page.You can learn about the
PAGESIZE= option in Referencing Files and Setting Options.
27. Which one of the following SAS REPORT procedure options controls
how column headings are displayed over multiple lines? a. SPACE=
Correct answer: bbb
The SPLIT= option specifies how to split column headings. The
SPACE=, LABEL= and BREAK= options are not valid options in PROC
REPORT.You can learn about the SPLIT= option for the REPORT procedure in
Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports.
28. The following SAS program is submitted:
ods html file='newfile.html';
proc print data=sasuser.houses;run;
proc means data=sasuser.houses;run;
proc freq;
ods html close;
proc print;run;
How many HTML files are created?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Correct answer: aaa
By default, one HTML file is created for each FILE= option or BODY=
option in the ODS HTML statement. The ODS HTML CLOSE statement closes
the open HTML file and ends the output capture. The Newfile.html file
contains the output from the PRINT, MEANS, and FREQ procedures.You can
learn about the ODS HTML statement in Producing HTML Output.
29. A frequency report of the variable Jobcode in the Work.Actors data set
is listed below.
Jobcode Frequency Percent CumulativeFrequency CumulativePercent
Actor I 2 33.33 2 33.33
Actor II 2 33.33 4 66.67
Actor III 2 33.33 6 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1 The following SAS program is submitted:
set work.actors;
if jobcode in ('Actor I', 'Actor II') then
if jobcode='Actor III' then joblevel='Base'; else
Which of the following represents the possiblevalues for the variable joblevel in the Work.Joblevels data set?
a. Base and Unknown only
b. Beginner and Base only
c. Beginner, Base, and Unknown
d. ' ' (missing character value)
Correct answer: aaa
The DATA step will continue to process those observations that satisfy
the condition in the first IF statement Although Joblevel might be set to
Beginner for one or more observations, the condition on the second IF
statement will evaluate as false, and the ELSE statement will execute and
overwrite the value of Joblevel as Unknown.You can learn about e the IF
statement in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data e the ELSE
statement in Creating and Managing Variables.
30. The descriptor and data portions of the Work.Salaries data set are
shown below.
Variable Type Len Pos
name Char 8 0
salary Char 8 16
status Char 8 8
name status salary
Liz S 15,600
Herman S 26,700
Marty S 35,000
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc print data=work.salaries;
where salary<20000;run;
What is displayed in the SAS log after the program
is executed?
a. A NOTE indicating that 1 observation is read.
b. A NOTE indicating that 0 observations were read.
c. A WARNING indicating that character values have been converted to
numeric values.
d. An ERROR indicating that the WHERE clause operator requires
compatible variables.
Correct answer: ddd
Your answer: undefinedundefinedundefined
Salary is defined as a character variable. Therefore, the value in the
WHERE statement must be the character value 20,000 enclosed in quotation
marks.You can learn about the WHERE statement in Creating List Reports.
31. Which of the following statements is true when SAS encounters a
syntax error in a DATA step?
a. The SAS log contains an explanation of the
b. The DATA step continues to execute and the resulting data set is
c. The DATA step stops executing at the point of the error and the
resulting data set contains observations up to that point.
d. A note appears in the SAS log indicating that the incorrect statement
was saved to a SAS data set for further examination.
Correct answer: aaa
SAS scans the DATA step for syntax errors during the compilation
phase. If there are syntax errors, those errors get written to the log. Most
syntax errors prevent further processing of the DATA step.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
sas certification sample questions-part1
1. A raw data file is listed below.
son Frank 01/31/89
daughter June 12-25-87
brother Samuel 01/17/51
The following program is submitted using this file as input: data;
infile 'file-specification';run;Which INPUT
statement correctly reads the values for the variable Birthdate as SAS date
values? a. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate date9.;
b. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate mmddyy8.;
c. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate : date9.;
d. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate : mmddyy8.;
Correct answer: ddd
An informat is used to translate the calendar date to a SAS date value.
The date values are in the form of two-digit values for month-day-year, so
the MMDDYY8. informat must be used. When using an informat with list
input, the colon-format modifier is required to correctly associate the
informat with the variable name.You can learn about e informats in
Reading Date and Time Values e the colon-format modifier in Reading Free-
Format Data.
2. A raw data file is listed below.1---+----10---+----20---+---
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file above as
input: data employeestats; input name $
age weight;run;The following output is desired:name age weight
Jose 47 210
Sue . 108
Which of the following INFILE statements completes the program and
accesses the data correctly?
a. infile 'file-specification' pad;
b. infile 'file-specification' dsd;
c. infile 'file-specification' dlm=',';
d. infile 'file-specification' missover;
Correct answer: bbb
The PAD option specifies that SAS pad variable length records with
blanks. The MISSOVER option prevents SAS from reading past the end of the
line when reading free formatted data. The DLM= option specifies the comma
as the delimiter; however, consecutive delimiters are treated as one by
default. The DSD option correctly reads the data with commas as delimiters
and two consecutive commas indicating a missing value like those in this raw
data file. You can learn about e the PAD option in Reading Raw Data in Fixed
Fields e the MISSOVER option in Creating Multiple Observations from a
Single Record e the DLM= option and the DSD option in Reading Free-
Format Data.
3. The following program is submitted: data numrecords; infile cards
dlm=','; input agent1 $ agent2 $ agent3
$;cards;jones,,brownjones,spencer,brown;run;What is the value for the
variable named Agent2 in the second observation?
a. brown
b. spencer
c. ' ' (missing character value)
d. There is no value because only one observation is created.
Correct answer: ddd
The CARDS statement enables you to read instream data. Any number
of consecutive commas are considered to be a single delimiter as a result of
the DLM= option, and the length of each variable defaults to 8 bytes.
Therefore, the values jones, brownjon, and spencer are assigned to Agent1,
Agent2, and Agent3, respectively, for the first observation. The rest of the
data on the record is not read by the INPUT statement and is not output to
the data set.You can learn about e the CARDS statement in Creating SAS
Data Sets from Raw Data e the default length of variables in Reading
Free-Format Data.
4. A raw data file is listed below.1---+----10---+----20---+----30---+----
CONDO 2150 4 2.5JEANS AVENUE $127,150
The following program is submitted using this file as input: data
work.houses; infile 'file-specification';here>run;Which one of the following INPUT statements reads the raw data
file correctly?
a. input @1 style $8. +1 sqfeet 4. +1 bedrooms 1.
@20 baths 3. street 16. @40 price dollar8;
b. input @1 style $8 +1 sqfeet 4. +1 bedrooms 1. @20
baths 3. street $16 @40 price dollar8.;
c. input @1 style $8. +1 sqfeet 4. +1 bedrooms 1. @20
baths 3. street $16. @40 price dollar8.;
d. input @1 style $8. +1 sqfeet 4. +1 bedrooms 1. @20
baths 3 street 16. @40 price dollar8.;
Correct answer: ccc
Formatted input requires periods as part of the informat name. The
period is missing from the variables Style and Street in Answer b, the
variable Baths in Answer d, and the variable Price in Answer a (which is also
missing a dollar sign to read the variable Street as a character value).You
can learn about formatted input and informats in Reading Raw Data in Fixed
5. The following SAS program is submitted at the start of a new SAS
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.sales;
set sasdata.salesdata;
proc printdata=sales;
The SAS data set Sasdata.Salesdata has ten observations.
Which one of the following explains why a report fails to generate? a. The
DATA step fails execution.
b. The SAS data set Sales does not exist.
c. The SAS data set Sales has no observations.
d. The PRINT procedure contains a syntax error.
Correct answer: bbb
The DATA step creates a permanent SAS data set, Sasdata.Salesdata.
The PRINT procedure is printing a temporary SAS data set, Sales, that is
stored in the Work library. At the beginning of the SAS session, Work.Sales
does not exist.You can learn about e creating permanent data sets with the
DATA step in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data e temporary data
sets in Basic Concepts.
6. Which action assigns a reference named SALES to a permanent SAS
data library?
a. Issuing the command: libref SALES 'SAS-data-library'
b. Issuing the command: libname SALES 'SAS-data-library'
c. Submitting the statement: libref SALES 'SAS-data-library';
d. Submitting the statement: libname SALES 'SAS-data-library';
Correct answer: ddd
The LIBNAME statement assigns a reference known as a libref to a
permanent SAS data library. The LIBNAME command opens the LIBNAME
window.You can learn about the LIBNAME statement in Referencing Files and
Setting Options.
7. The following SAS program is submitted:
data newstaff;
set staff;
Which one of the following WHERE
statements completes the program and selects only observations with a
Hire_date of February 23, 2000?
a. where hire_date='23feb2000'd;
b. where hire_date='23feb2000';
c. where hire_date='02/23/2000'd;
d. where hire_date='02/23/2000';
Correct answer: aaa
A SAS date constant must take the form of one- or two-digit day,
three-digit month, and two- or four-digit year, enclosed in quotation marks
and followed by a d ('ddmmmyy'd).You can learn about SAS date
constants in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data.
8. Which one of the following SAS date formats displays the SAS date
value for January 16, 2002 in the form of 16/01/2002?
a. DATE10.
b. DDMMYY10.
Correct answer: bbb
The requested output is in day-month-year order and is 10 bytes long,
so DDMMYY10. is the correct format. Although WEEKDATE10. is a valid SAS
format, it does not display the SAS date value as shown in the question
above. DDMMYYYY10. is not a valid SAS date format, and the DATEw. format
cannot accept a length of 10.You can learn about e the DDMMYY10. format in
Creating List Reports e the WEEKDATE10. format in Reading Date and
Time Values.
9. Which one of the following displays the contents of an external file
from within a SAS session?
a. the LIST procedure
b. the PRINT procedure
c. the FSLIST procedure
d. the VIEWTABLE window
Correct answer: ccc
The PRINT procedure and VIEWTABLE window display the values in
SAS data sets. The FSLIST procedure displays the values in external files.
There is no LIST procedure in SAS.You can learn about e the PRINT
procedure in Creating List Reports e the VIEWTABLE window in Referencing
Files and Setting Options.
10. The SAS data set Sashelp.Prdsale contains the variables Region and
Salary with 4 observations per Region. Sashelp.Prdsale is sorted primarily by
Region and within Region by Salary in descending order.The following
program is submitted:
data one;
set sashelp.prdsale;
retain temp;
by region descending salary; if first.region then do;
temp=salary; output; end; if last.region then do;
range=salary-temp; output; end;run;For each region, what is
the number of observation(s) written to the output data set?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 4
Correct answer: ccc
The expression first.region is true once for each region group. The
expression last.region is true once for each region group. Therefore, each
OUTPUT statement executes once for a total of 2 observations in the output
data set. You can learn about the FIRST.variable expression and the OUTPUT
statement in Reading SAS Data Sets.
11. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc contents data=sasuser.houses;
The exhibit below contains partial output produced
by the CONTENTS procedure.
Observations 15
Member Type DATA Variables 6
Engine V9 Indexes 0
Created Tuesday, April 22, 2003 03:09:25 PM Observation Length
Last Modified Tuesday, April 22, 2003 03:09:25 PM Deleted
Observations 0
Protection Compressed NO
Data Set Type Sorted NO
Label Residential housing for sale
Data Representation WINDOWS_32
Encoding wlatin1 Western (Windows)
Which of the following describes the Sasuser.Houses data set?
a. The data set is sorted but not indexed.
b. The data set is both sorted and indexed.
c. The data set is not sorted but is indexed.
d. The data set is neither sorted nor indexed.
Correct answer: ddd
The exhibit above shows partial output from the CONTENTS procedure,
In the top right-hand column of the output, you see that Indexes has a value
of 0, which indicates that no indexes exist for this data set. Also, Sorted has
a value of NO, which indicates that the data is not sorted.You can learn about
the CONTENTS procedure in Referencing Files and Setting Options.
12. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data=work.test;
by fname descending salary;
run;Which one of the following represents how
the observations are sorted?
a. The data set Work.Test is stored in
ascending order by both Fname and Salary values.
b. The data set Work.Test is stored in descending order by both Fname
and Salary values.
c. The data set Work.Test is stored in descending order by Fname and
ascending order by Salary values.
d. The data set Work.Test is stored in ascending order by Fname and in
descending order by Salary values.
Correct answer: ddd
The DESCENDING keyword is placed before the variable name it
modifies in the BY statement, so the correct description is in descending
order by Salary value within ascending Fname values.You can learn about the
SORT procedure and the DESCENDING keyword in Creating List Reports.
13. The following SAS program is submitted:
data names; title='EDU';
if title='EDU' then Division='Education'; else if title='HR' then
Division='Human Resources'; else Division='Unknown';run;Which one of
the following represents the value of the variable Division in the output data
set? a. Educatio
b. Education
c. Human Re
d. Human Resources
Correct answer: bbb
The length of the variable Division is set to 9 when the DATA step
compiles. Since the value of the variable Title is EDU, the first IF condition is
true; therefore, the value of the variable Division is Education.You can learn
about e the length of a variable in Understanding DATA Step Processing
e IF-THEN statements in Creating and Managing Variables.
14. Which one of the following SAS programs creates a variable named
City with a value of Chicago? a. data work.airports; AirportCode='ord'; if
AirportCode='ORD' City='Chicago';run;
b. data work.airports; AirportCode='ORD'; if AirportCode='ORD'
c. data work.airports; AirportCode='ORD'; if AirportCode='ORD' then
d. data work.airports; AirportCode='ORD'; if AirportCode='ORD';
then City='Chicago';run;
Correct answer: ccc
The correct syntax for an IF-THEN statement is: IF expression THEN
statement;In this example, the variable City is assigned a value of Chicago
only if the expression AirportCode='ORD' is true.You can learn about IF-THEN
statements in Creating and Managing Variables.
15. The following SAS program is submitted: data work.building;
code='DAL523'; code='SANFRAN604'; code='HOUS731'; length code $
20;run;Which one of the following is the length of the code variable? a.
b. 7
c. 10
d. 20
Correct answer: aaa
The DATA step first goes through a compilation phase, then an
execution phase. The length of a variable is set during the compilation phase
and is Based on the first time the variable is encountered. In this case, the
variable code is set to the length of the text string DAL523 which is 6
characters long. The next assignment statements are ignored during
compilation. The LENGTH statement is also ignored since the length has
already been established, but a note will be written to the log.You can learn
about e the compilation phase of the DATA step in Understanding DATA
Step Processing e the LENGTH statement in Creating and Managing
16. Which of the following statements creates a numeric variable named
IDnumber with a value of 4198?
a. IDnumber=4198;
b. IDnumber='4198';
c. length IDnumber=8;
d. length IDnumber $ 8;
Correct answer: aaa
The first reference to the SAS variable in the DATA step sets the
name, type, and length of the variable in the program data vector (PDV) and
in the output SAS data set. The assignment statement IDnumber=4198; is
the first reference and creates a numeric variable named IDnumber with a
default storage length of 8 bytes.You can learn about e creating variables
in the DATA step in Understanding DATA Step Processing e numeric
variables in Basic Concepts.
son Frank 01/31/89
daughter June 12-25-87
brother Samuel 01/17/51
The following program is submitted using this file as input: data;
infile 'file-specification';
statement correctly reads the values for the variable Birthdate as SAS date
values? a. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate date9.;
b. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate mmddyy8.;
c. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate : date9.;
d. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate : mmddyy8.;
Correct answer: ddd
An informat is used to translate the calendar date to a SAS date value.
The date values are in the form of two-digit values for month-day-year, so
the MMDDYY8. informat must be used. When using an informat with list
input, the colon-format modifier is required to correctly associate the
informat with the variable name.You can learn about e informats in
Reading Date and Time Values e the colon-format modifier in Reading Free-
Format Data.
2. A raw data file is listed below.1---+----10---+----20---+---
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file above as
input: data employeestats;
age weight;run;The following output is desired:name age weight
Jose 47 210
Sue . 108
Which of the following INFILE statements completes the program and
accesses the data correctly?
a. infile 'file-specification' pad;
b. infile 'file-specification' dsd;
c. infile 'file-specification' dlm=',';
d. infile 'file-specification' missover;
Correct answer: bbb
The PAD option specifies that SAS pad variable length records with
blanks. The MISSOVER option prevents SAS from reading past the end of the
line when reading free formatted data. The DLM= option specifies the comma
as the delimiter; however, consecutive delimiters are treated as one by
default. The DSD option correctly reads the data with commas as delimiters
and two consecutive commas indicating a missing value like those in this raw
data file. You can learn about e the PAD option in Reading Raw Data in Fixed
Fields e the MISSOVER option in Creating Multiple Observations from a
Single Record e the DLM= option and the DSD option in Reading Free-
Format Data.
3. The following program is submitted: data numrecords; infile cards
dlm=','; input agent1 $ agent2 $ agent3
$;cards;jones,,brownjones,spencer,brown;run;What is the value for the
variable named Agent2 in the second observation?
a. brown
b. spencer
c. ' ' (missing character value)
d. There is no value because only one observation is created.
Correct answer: ddd
The CARDS statement enables you to read instream data. Any number
of consecutive commas are considered to be a single delimiter as a result of
the DLM= option, and the length of each variable defaults to 8 bytes.
Therefore, the values jones, brownjon, and spencer are assigned to Agent1,
Agent2, and Agent3, respectively, for the first observation. The rest of the
data on the record is not read by the INPUT statement and is not output to
the data set.You can learn about e the CARDS statement in Creating SAS
Data Sets from Raw Data e the default length of variables in Reading
Free-Format Data.
4. A raw data file is listed below.1---+----10---+----20---+----30---+----
CONDO 2150 4 2.5JEANS AVENUE $127,150
The following program is submitted using this file as input: data
work.houses; infile 'file-specification';
file correctly?
a. input @1 style $8. +1 sqfeet 4. +1 bedrooms 1.
@20 baths 3. street 16. @40 price dollar8;
b. input @1 style $8 +1 sqfeet 4. +1 bedrooms 1. @20
baths 3. street $16 @40 price dollar8.;
c. input @1 style $8. +1 sqfeet 4. +1 bedrooms 1. @20
baths 3. street $16. @40 price dollar8.;
d. input @1 style $8. +1 sqfeet 4. +1 bedrooms 1. @20
baths 3 street 16. @40 price dollar8.;
Correct answer: ccc
Formatted input requires periods as part of the informat name. The
period is missing from the variables Style and Street in Answer b, the
variable Baths in Answer d, and the variable Price in Answer a (which is also
missing a dollar sign to read the variable Street as a character value).You
can learn about formatted input and informats in Reading Raw Data in Fixed
5. The following SAS program is submitted at the start of a new SAS
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.sales;
set sasdata.salesdata;
proc printdata=sales;
The SAS data set Sasdata.Salesdata has ten observations.
Which one of the following explains why a report fails to generate? a. The
DATA step fails execution.
b. The SAS data set Sales does not exist.
c. The SAS data set Sales has no observations.
d. The PRINT procedure contains a syntax error.
Correct answer: bbb
The DATA step creates a permanent SAS data set, Sasdata.Salesdata.
The PRINT procedure is printing a temporary SAS data set, Sales, that is
stored in the Work library. At the beginning of the SAS session, Work.Sales
does not exist.You can learn about e creating permanent data sets with the
DATA step in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data e temporary data
sets in Basic Concepts.
6. Which action assigns a reference named SALES to a permanent SAS
data library?
a. Issuing the command: libref SALES 'SAS-data-library'
b. Issuing the command: libname SALES 'SAS-data-library'
c. Submitting the statement: libref SALES 'SAS-data-library';
d. Submitting the statement: libname SALES 'SAS-data-library';
Correct answer: ddd
The LIBNAME statement assigns a reference known as a libref to a
permanent SAS data library. The LIBNAME command opens the LIBNAME
window.You can learn about the LIBNAME statement in Referencing Files and
Setting Options.
7. The following SAS program is submitted:
data newstaff;
set staff;
Which one of the following WHERE
statements completes the program and selects only observations with a
Hire_date of February 23, 2000?
a. where hire_date='23feb2000'd;
b. where hire_date='23feb2000';
c. where hire_date='02/23/2000'd;
d. where hire_date='02/23/2000';
Correct answer: aaa
A SAS date constant must take the form of one- or two-digit day,
three-digit month, and two- or four-digit year, enclosed in quotation marks
and followed by a d ('ddmmmyy
constants in Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data.
8. Which one of the following SAS date formats displays the SAS date
value for January 16, 2002 in the form of 16/01/2002?
a. DATE10.
b. DDMMYY10.
Correct answer: bbb
The requested output is in day-month-year order and is 10 bytes long,
so DDMMYY10. is the correct format. Although WEEKDATE10. is a valid SAS
format, it does not display the SAS date value as shown in the question
above. DDMMYYYY10. is not a valid SAS date format, and the DATEw. format
cannot accept a length of 10.You can learn about e the DDMMYY10. format in
Creating List Reports e the WEEKDATE10. format in Reading Date and
Time Values.
9. Which one of the following displays the contents of an external file
from within a SAS session?
a. the LIST procedure
b. the PRINT procedure
c. the FSLIST procedure
d. the VIEWTABLE window
Correct answer: ccc
The PRINT procedure and VIEWTABLE window display the values in
SAS data sets. The FSLIST procedure displays the values in external files.
There is no LIST procedure in SAS.You can learn about e the PRINT
procedure in Creating List Reports e the VIEWTABLE window in Referencing
Files and Setting Options.
10. The SAS data set Sashelp.Prdsale contains the variables Region and
Salary with 4 observations per Region. Sashelp.Prdsale is sorted primarily by
Region and within Region by Salary in descending order.The following
program is submitted:
data one;
set sashelp.prdsale;
retain temp;
by region descending salary; if first.region then do;
temp=salary; output; end; if last.region then do;
range=salary-temp; output; end;run;For each region, what is
the number of observation(s) written to the output data set?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 4
Correct answer: ccc
The expression first.region is true once for each region group. The
expression last.region is true once for each region group. Therefore, each
OUTPUT statement executes once for a total of 2 observations in the output
data set. You can learn about the FIRST.variable expression and the OUTPUT
statement in Reading SAS Data Sets.
11. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc contents data=sasuser.houses;
The exhibit below contains partial output produced
by the CONTENTS procedure.
Observations 15
Member Type DATA Variables 6
Engine V9 Indexes 0
Created Tuesday, April 22, 2003 03:09:25 PM Observation Length
Last Modified Tuesday, April 22, 2003 03:09:25 PM Deleted
Observations 0
Protection Compressed NO
Data Set Type Sorted NO
Label Residential housing for sale
Data Representation WINDOWS_32
Encoding wlatin1 Western (Windows)
Which of the following describes the Sasuser.Houses data set?
a. The data set is sorted but not indexed.
b. The data set is both sorted and indexed.
c. The data set is not sorted but is indexed.
d. The data set is neither sorted nor indexed.
Correct answer: ddd
The exhibit above shows partial output from the CONTENTS procedure,
In the top right-hand column of the output, you see that Indexes has a value
of 0, which indicates that no indexes exist for this data set. Also, Sorted has
a value of NO, which indicates that the data is not sorted.You can learn about
the CONTENTS procedure in Referencing Files and Setting Options.
12. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data=work.test;
by fname descending salary;
run;Which one of the following represents how
the observations are sorted?
a. The data set Work.Test is stored in
ascending order by both Fname and Salary values.
b. The data set Work.Test is stored in descending order by both Fname
and Salary values.
c. The data set Work.Test is stored in descending order by Fname and
ascending order by Salary values.
d. The data set Work.Test is stored in ascending order by Fname and in
descending order by Salary values.
Correct answer: ddd
The DESCENDING keyword is placed before the variable name it
modifies in the BY statement, so the correct description is in descending
order by Salary value within ascending Fname values.You can learn about the
SORT procedure and the DESCENDING keyword in Creating List Reports.
13. The following SAS program is submitted:
data names; title='EDU';
if title='EDU' then Division='Education'; else if title='HR' then
Division='Human Resources'; else Division='Unknown';run;Which one of
the following represents the value of the variable Division in the output data
set? a. Educatio
b. Education
c. Human Re
d. Human Resources
Correct answer: bbb
The length of the variable Division is set to 9 when the DATA step
compiles. Since the value of the variable Title is EDU, the first IF condition is
true; therefore, the value of the variable Division is Education.You can learn
about e the length of a variable in Understanding DATA Step Processing
e IF-THEN statements in Creating and Managing Variables.
14. Which one of the following SAS programs creates a variable named
City with a value of Chicago? a. data work.airports; AirportCode='ord'; if
AirportCode='ORD' City='Chicago';run;
b. data work.airports; AirportCode='ORD'; if AirportCode='ORD'
c. data work.airports; AirportCode='ORD'; if AirportCode='ORD' then
d. data work.airports; AirportCode='ORD'; if AirportCode='ORD';
then City='Chicago';run;
Correct answer: ccc
The correct syntax for an IF-THEN statement is: IF expression THEN
statement;In this example, the variable City is assigned a value of Chicago
only if the expression AirportCode='ORD' is true.You can learn about IF-THEN
statements in Creating and Managing Variables.
15. The following SAS program is submitted: data work.building;
code='DAL523'; code='SANFRAN604'; code='HOUS731'; length code $
20;run;Which one of the following is the length of the code variable? a.
b. 7
c. 10
d. 20
Correct answer: aaa
The DATA step first goes through a compilation phase, then an
execution phase. The length of a variable is set during the compilation phase
and is Based on the first time the variable is encountered. In this case, the
variable code is set to the length of the text string DAL523 which is 6
characters long. The next assignment statements are ignored during
compilation. The LENGTH statement is also ignored since the length has
already been established, but a note will be written to the log.You can learn
about e the compilation phase of the DATA step in Understanding DATA
Step Processing e the LENGTH statement in Creating and Managing
16. Which of the following statements creates a numeric variable named
IDnumber with a value of 4198?
a. IDnumber=4198;
b. IDnumber='4198';
c. length IDnumber=8;
d. length IDnumber $ 8;
Correct answer: aaa
The first reference to the SAS variable in the DATA step sets the
name, type, and length of the variable in the program data vector (PDV) and
in the output SAS data set. The assignment statement IDnumber=4198; is
the first reference and creates a numeric variable named IDnumber with a
default storage length of 8 bytes.You can learn about e creating variables
in the DATA step in Understanding DATA Step Processing e numeric
variables in Basic Concepts.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
How to determine 'even' and 'odd' observations in a dataset
Well ,lets create a ds ‘two’ having only even numbered obs from ds ‘one’ .
/* create sample data set */
data one;
do i=1 to 10;
data two;
set one;
if mod(i,2)=0 then output;/*outputs only even obs*/
proc print;
Obs i
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10
/* create sample data set */
data one;
do i=1 to 10;
data two;
set one;
if mod(i,2)=0 then output;/*outputs only even obs*/
proc print;
Obs i
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10
Automatic variables-first. ,last.
These automatic variables are not ‘always’ available for data step as other _n_ ,_error_,_character_, _numeric_ which are created for every data step.
First. And last. Are created during ‘by’ group processing only i.e when we use a by statement.first. has value 1 for first value of by group and 0 for the rest .similarly last. Is 1 for the last occurrence value in the by group and 0 for all other in that by group.
For example---
Consider the code---
Data data1;
Input id age month sal;
001 23 110000
001 23 2 20000
002 21 1 10000
003 24 114000
003 24 2 13000
/*we want count of obs with duplicate id number*/
Data data2;
Set data1;
By id; /*first. And last. Created*/
If first. Then n_id=0; /* sets n_id 0 for new id value*/
N_id+1; /*increments by 1 for every recurrence of id*/
If last. Then output ; /*outputs on occurrence of last id in the group*/
Output of data2---
id age month sal n_id
1 23 2 20000 2
2 21 1 10000 1
3 24 2 13000 2
First. And last. Are created during ‘by’ group processing only i.e when we use a by statement.first. has value 1 for first value of by group and 0 for the rest .similarly last. Is 1 for the last occurrence value in the by group and 0 for all other in that by group.
For example---
Consider the code---
Data data1;
Input id age month sal;
001 23 110000
001 23 2 20000
002 21 1 10000
003 24 114000
003 24 2 13000
/*we want count of obs with duplicate id number*/
Data data2;
Set data1;
By id; /*first. And last. Created*/
If first. Then n_id=0; /* sets n_id 0 for new id value*/
N_id+1; /*increments by 1 for every recurrence of id*/
If last. Then output ; /*outputs on occurrence of last id in the group*/
Output of data2---
id age month sal n_id
1 23 2 20000 2
2 21 1 10000 1
3 24 2 13000 2
automatic variables,
by group,
automatic variables-_character_,numeric_,_error_
Yes all of them are automaticed variables(not user defined but system defined),you can also call them sas ‘keywords’.they are available in data step.
Letz see tis example—
Data new;
Array myarray{*} $ _character_;/*this uses _character_ to refer all chracter variables in '',similar for _numeric_*/
/*sets missing values to string value’;*/
Do i=1 to dim(myarray);
If missing( myarray{i}) then
Myarray{i}='not specified';
Drop I;
_error_--this automated variable is also available in data can have one of the two possible values.1-for data error during execution of data step and 0 if there are no data errors.
Data errors—>placing character value in a numeric variable or vice-versa ,division by 0 or passing invalid arguments in the function.
Letz see tis example—
Data new;
Array myarray{*} $ _character_;/*this uses _character_ to refer all chracter variables in '',similar for _numeric_*/
/*sets missing values to string value’;*/
Do i=1 to dim(myarray);
If missing( myarray{i}) then
Myarray{i}='not specified';
Drop I;
_error_--this automated variable is also available in data can have one of the two possible values.1-for data error during execution of data step and 0 if there are no data errors.
Data errors—>placing character value in a numeric variable or vice-versa ,division by 0 or passing invalid arguments in the function.
automatic variables
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